All ages and events please register online via -
Early bird discount by Sunday 3 March 2024
Registrations close Thursday 14 March 2024
Early bird discount by Sunday 3 March 2024
Registrations close Thursday 14 March 2024
Athlete Information:
Timing Chips
You will be given your timing chip when you register on Saturday. This is to be worn on your left ankle for the duration of the race. If you are in a team, your timing chip is effectively your baton. It must be swapped to each team member in transition. If you have your own timing chip strap please make sure the band on the chip is returned at registration. If you lose, your chip there will be a fee charged so please look after them. Your chip will be collected by volunteers after you cross the finish line.
- Shoes & approved helmets are mandatory
- Bicycles shall be in a safe working condition
- Torso must be covered during the bicycle & run legs.
- Competitor is responsible for course familiarisation.
Timing Chips
You will be given your timing chip when you register on Saturday. This is to be worn on your left ankle for the duration of the race. If you are in a team, your timing chip is effectively your baton. It must be swapped to each team member in transition. If you have your own timing chip strap please make sure the band on the chip is returned at registration. If you lose, your chip there will be a fee charged so please look after them. Your chip will be collected by volunteers after you cross the finish line.